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Computer Quiz on Database

Q. : 1   The first step in the transacton processing cycle is ___________
1) database operations 
2) audit
3) data entry 
4) user inquiry
5) None of these 

Q. : 2   In the information systems  concept, the output function involves __________
1) Capturing and assembling elements  that enter the system to be processed
2) Trans formation processes  that convert input into output
3) Transferring elements  that have been produced by a trans formation process  to their ultimate
4) Monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is  moving toward the achievement of its  goal
5) None of these 

Q. : 3   What SQL command can be used to delete columns  from a table ?
1) MODIFY TABLE Table Name DROP COLUMN Column Name
2) MODIFY TABLE Table Name DROP Column Name Column Name
3) ALTER TABLE Table Name DROP Column Name
4) 1 and 2
5) None of these 

Q. : 4   Which of the following modifications  may not succeed?
1) Changing a column data type from char to date
2) Changing a column data type from numeric to char
3) Both of the above actions  should succeed 
4) Neither of the above actions  will  succeed
5) None of these 

Q. : 5   Changing cardinalities  in a database is
1) A common database design task 
2) A rare database design task, but does  occur
3) A database design task that never occurs
4) Is  impossible to do, s o a new database must be constructed and the data moved into it
5) None of these 

Q. : 6  A regular subquery can be processed
1) From the top down 
2) From the bottom up
3) By nesting 
4) From the right up
5) None of these 

Q. : 7   How many copies  of the database schema are typically used in the redesign process  ?
1) One 
2) Two
3) Three 
4) Four
5) None of these 

Q. : 8   Which organizational  layer is  responsible for developing the goals  and strategies  as  outlined by the topmost level  of management?
1) Tactical  management 
2) Strategic management
3) Operational  management 
4) Non management employees
5) None of these 

Q. : 9   Which of the following is  collective information about customers , competitors , business  partners , competitive environments , and internal  operations ?
1) Aggregate Data 
2) External  Knowledge
3) Business  Intelligence (BI) 
4) Information Granularity
5) None of these 

Q. : 10   What term is  used to describe information coming into a computer that is  in bad form, or is  incorrect, and will  improperly affect the decision-making process ?
1) GIGO 
2) Tainted data
3) Dirty information 
4) Scrubbed data
5) None of these 

Q. 1 (3)
Q. 2 (1)
Q. 3 (3)
Q. 4 (1)
Q. 5 (1)
Q. 6 (2)
Q. 7 (3)
Q. 8 (2)
Q. 9 (3)
Q. 10 (1)


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