Q. : 1 Poor response times are usually caused by
1) Process busy
2) High I/O rates
3) High paging rates
4) Any of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 2 Which of the following program is not a utility?
1) Debugger
2) Editor
3) Spooler
4) all of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 3 What is the full form of CRT?
1) current ray tube
2) current ray technology
3) cathode ray tube
4) cathode ray technology
5) None of these
Q. : 4 What do you call the rules of a programming language?
1) Procedures
2) Login
3) Assembly
4) Syntax
5) None of these
Q. : 5 ____ trans forms one interface into another interface
1) Program
2) Software
3) Data
4) compiler
5) None of these
Q. : 6 A group of related items /section of program oding treated as a unit is referred as
1) Block
2) Duplex
3) Street 1
4) All of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 7 BLOB is
1) Binary Large Object
2) Along bit string representing complex data
3) Object oriented language
4) Only 1. and 2. are true
5) None of these
Q. : 8 Broadband channel is the
1) The fastest carriers where data transfer rates is of 1 mi l l i on baud (bi ts /second) or more
2) The slower carriers where data transfer rates is of 56 k baud
3) Mus i cal channel
4) All of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 9 The following is responsible for number of logical records in a physical record
1) Blocking factor
3) Boolean algebra
4) All of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 10 An operation in which data is moved to a different location is referred as
1) Block move
2) Street move
3) Delete
4) All of the above
5) None of these
Q. 1 (4) | Q. 2 (3) | Q. 3 (3) | Q. 4 (4) | Q. 5 (2) |
Q. 6 (1) | Q. 7 (4) | Q. 8 (1) | Q. 9 (1) | Q. 10 (1) |
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