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IBPS HR Officer Syllabus

Dear Reader, We bring to you a detailed syllabus of HR Officer Exam - Please go through the same carefully. 

Human Resource Management: Introduction, staffing, manpower planning, performance appraisal, wage and salary administration.
Human Resource Development: Strategies and Systems: Human resource development process. Training, coaching, mentoring, counselling,career planning and development, aligning strategy with HRD activities. Assessment Techniques .Tools like In Basket Exercises, Critical Incidence Technique, Types of Interviews etc. Performance Management System, Balance Scorecard etc. and Career Development.

Human Resource Information System: Human Resource Management-Systems Approach, strategic Role of Information in HRM, Information Technology-Concepts & Issues, HRIS Implementation and Control, Designing an HRIS Department, Compensation and Benefits Management, Training and Development, HR Planning and Analysis.

Transactional Analysis- Understanding TA- life stages- father, child and adult, different types of transactions, use of TA for improving behavior.

Recruitment & Selection- Understanding the staffing process, recruitment- internal and external sources, advantages and disadvantages, selection process, interview process, probation, internal mobility.

Training and Development- Key training issues, training need analysis, clarifying the objectives of training, designing effective training programmes, implementing training . training methodology, conducting training, trainer behaviour, evaluation of training, Models of measuring Training Effectiveness.

Rewards & Recognition- types of rewards,monetary and non monetary, performance reward,
Incentives,- individual, group and organization based incentives

Performance Management & Appraisal: goals and objectives, Planning performance, self appraisal performance analysis, performance ratings techniques, self appraisal performance analysis, performance ratings techniques, using performance management data for HR decisions,Types of Performance Management System

Management of Compensations and Benefits: wages and salary concepts, Factors affecting wage and salary, legislative measures, job evaluation, components of compensation, linking rewards with performance, indirect or fringe benefits.

 Mobility of Personnel and Retirement-transfers, promotion, demotion, separation.

Business Policy and Strategic Analysis
Basic Concepts of Strategic Management, Strategy Formulation- Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy,Strategy Implementation and Control- strategy Implementation: Organizing for Action, Strategy Implementation: Staffing and Directing, Evaluation and Control, Other Strategic Issues- Strategic Issues in Managing Technology and Innovation, Strategic Issues in Entrepreneurial Ventures and Small Businesses, Strategic Issues in Not-For-Profit Organizations. HR Scorecard, HR Audit, HR issues in Merger and Acquisition.

Emotional Intelligence and Managerial Effectiveness: Concept of EI, theories.

Managing change and organizational effectiveness: Understand the dynamics of change, reasons for change, diagnosis for change, resistance to change, change agents, forms of interventions, models of change, implementing change in organizations.

Management Process and Organizational Behaviour:  Values and Personality, Attitudes and job satisfaction, Perception and individual decision making,Motivation in the Workplace, Learning, Attribution.

Managing Interpersonal and Group Processes: Foundations of Group understanding work teams, communication, leadership, Stress Management, Decision Making and Creativity, Power and politics,conflict and negotiation.


Collective Bargaining and Negotiation process: Nature, Conditions for successful bargaining, Advantages and current trends in bargaining, Issues for concerns for employers, negotiation objectives, negotiation process-reactions, discussions, and style, Theories of Collective Bargaining.

Conflict Management - definition, intervention process, sources, reasons and different levels of Conflicts.

Grievance Management: Concept of Grievance, Causes of Grievance, Need for a Grievance Redressal Procedure, Steps in a Grievance Redressal Procedure, Legislative Aspects of the Grievance, Redressal Procedure in India.

Industrial Relations & Trade Unions: Nature, concept, models and theories of IR, Collective
bargaining, industrial disputes, workers participation management, employee discipline, grievance handling, trade unionism, development of unionism, structure and types of unions, trade unions act, issue of registration and recognition, problems of unions in liberalised economy.

 Labour Laws: Introduction; Regulatory laws-Trade union act 1926, ID act 1947, Industrial
employment act (standing order act) 1946, Protective laws- Factories act, 1948, Wage laws -minimum wages act, 1948, payment of wages act, 1936, Equal remuneration act, 1976, The payment of bonus act, 1965, Social security laws- EPF act, 1952, ESI act, 1948, workmen.s compensation act 1923, Maternity benefit act, 1961, payment of gratuity act, 1972, Contract labor laws Contract labour act 1986, Bonded labour system act 1986, child labour act, 1986. Apprentice Act.1961.

Discipline : Principles of Natural Justice, Disciplinary Proceedings, Domestic Enquiry.

Personnel problems and employee counseling -Labour turnover, absenteeism, alcoholic and drug abuse. Employee health and safety


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