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Computer Quiz On Upcoming Exam

Q. : 1   What is  the term used to describe the amount of space you have to transmit to and from the Internet?
1) Internet s peed 
2) Network speed
3) Router 
4) Bandwidth
5) None of these 

Q. : 2   What is  another name for as hared network?
1) WAP 
2) Switch
3) Broadband router 
4) Hub
5) None of these 

Q. : 3   Which of the following concepts  means  determining at run time what method to invoke?
1) Data hiding 
2) Dynamic Typing
3) Dynami cloading 
4) Dynami cbinding
5) None of these 

Q. : 4   Which of the following term is  used for a function defined inside a class ?
1) Member Variable 
2) Member function
3) Classic function 
4) Class  function
5) None of these 

Q. : 5   Which of the following concepts  of OOPS means  exposing only necessary information to client?
1) Encapsulation 
2) Abstraction
3) Data binding 
4) Data hiding
5) all  of the above 

Q. : 6   Which of the following is  an abstract data type?
1) int 
2) double
3) string 
4) Class
5) None of these 

Q. : 7   Which of the following concepts  means  adding new components  to a program as  it runs ?
1) Data hiding 
2) Dynamic typing
3) Dynami cloading 
4) Dynamic binding
5) None of these 

Q. : 8   The TCP/IP _______ layer is  equivalent to the combined session, presentation, and application layers  of the OSI model .
1) application 
2) network
3) data link 
4) physical
5) None of these 

Q. : 9   What type of communication media is  the most widely used cabling for data trans fer today?
1) Cat 5 
2) Twisted pair
3) Coaxial 
4) Optical  fiber
5) None of these 

Q. : 10   Which of the following high-speed circuits  is  the fastest?
1) T1 
2) T2
3) T3 
4) DS3
5) None of these 

  1. (4) Bandwidth
  2. (4) Hub
  3. (4) Dynami cbinding
  4. (2) Member function
  5. (4) Data hiding
  6. (4) Class
  7. (3) Dynami cloading 
  8. (1) application 
  9. (1) Cat 5 
  10. (4) DS3

computer quiz on upcoming exam


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