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Interesting Vocabulary Words in English

  1. Agrestic: Someone who is rude, uncouth and uncultured.
  2. Ubiquitous: Which seems everywhere or omnipresent.
  3. Ecdysiast: A striptease artist.
  4. Bailiwick: An area of interest, activity or authority.
  5. Insinuation: A malicious implication.
  6. Animadversion: A harsh critical remark.
  7. Epistemology: Related to philosophy, which studies the science of how we know things.
  8. Banal: Boring, rudimentary, something that is not original.
  9. Godspeed: Success or fortune.
  10. Schadenfreude: Sadistic pleasure derived from someone's misfortune.
  11. Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple.
  12. Senescence: Growing old or aging.
  13. Euphony: Bearable or agreeable sound.
  14. Quixotic: Extremely romantic and chivalrous.
  15. Jocularity: Funny or joking speech; joking behavior
  16. Mendacity: A pretense; a false appearance.
  17. Obloquy: An oral or verbal abuse towards a person.
  18. Ribaldry: Behavior inclining towards indelicacy.
  19. Heebie-Jeebies: Nervous jitters.
  20. Corpulent: Extremely fat.
  21. Ennui: Boredom or joblessness.
  22. Callipygian: Well toned buttocks.
  23. Penultimate: Next to the last.
  24. Kakistocracy: Government chosen by the worst class of citizens.
  25. Uxorious: Extremely submissive to one's wife.
  26. Ichthyophagous: One that feeds on fish.
  27. Hebetudinous: One who lacks mental stimulation, dull-minded, very lethargic.
  28. Mammiferous: Having mammary glands.
  29. Tatterdemalion: A shabbily dressed person.
  30. Jejune: Nothing interesting; rudimentary.
  31. Solipsism: It is a philosophical belief that only the self exists.
  32. Hedonism: A belief that happiness is the only good thing in life.
  33. Hiatus: A break; a pause.
  34. Hispid: Coarse bristle like hair, especially of animals or plants.
  35. Perspicacious: To have a very good judgment.
  36. Condign: A well deserved punishment.
  37. Deipnosophist: A person with excellent dinner table conversation skills.
  38. Eleemosynary: Pertaining to charity.
  39. Pareidolia: A psychological phenomenon, wherein a person has the notion of seeing faces of people in clouds, hearing hidden messages and other such unusual feelings.
  40. Pleonasm: Use of redundant words.
  41. Syzygy: Linear alignment of 3 celestial bodies (the sun, the moon and the earth).
  42. Tmesis: Separating parts of a word by using another word.
  43. Pilgarlic: A bald head.
  44. Sesquipedalian: Using long words.
  45. Sciolism: Superficial and pseudo knowledge.
  46. Stegophilist: A person who climbs buildings for the sake of fun.


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