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Computer Quiz For Upcoming Exam

Q. : 1   A telephone number, a birth date, and a customer name are all  examples  of—
1) a record 
2) data
3) a file 
4) a database
5) None of these 

Q. : 2   The human-readable version of a program is  called—
1) source code 
2) program code
3) human code 
4) system code
5) None of these 

Q. : 3   A ……… computer (also referred to as  a laptop), is  a small , lightweight personal computer that incorporates the screen, the keyboard, storage, and processing components  into a single portable unit.
1) notebook 
2) journal
3) diary 
4) briefcase
5) None of these 

Q. : 4   . ……… is  the result produced by a computer.
1) Data 
2) Memory
3) Output 
4) Input
5) None of these 

Q. : 5   Programs  such as  Internet Explorer that serve as  navigable windows  into the Web are called
1) Hypertext 
2) Networks
3) Internet 
4) Web browsers
5) None of these 

Q. : 6   When data changes  in multiple lists  and all  lists  are not updated, this  causes
1) Data redundancy 
2) Information overload
3) Duplicate data 
4) Data inconsistency
5) None of the above 

Q. : 7   Data becomes  _ when it is  presented in a format that people can understand and use.
1) Processed 
2) Graphs
3) Information 
4) Presentation
5) None of these 

Q. : 8   The term _ designates  equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its  functionality.
1) System add-on 
2) Disk pack
3) Peripheral  device 
4) Digital  device
5) None of these 

Q. : 9   What is  the primary difference between viruses  and a worm?
1) A worm has  the ability to self-propagate From an infected user’s  computer to other Computers
2) A worm is  usually written by a cracker: Script bunnies  do not have the skills  to Develop a worm program
3) A virus  is  very harmful  to the computers  it Infects : a worm is  not a serious , a problem
4) Anti-virus  software is  effective in fighting Viruses
5) None of the above 

Q. : 10   You must install  this  on a network if you want to Share a broadband Internet connection.

1) router 
2) Modem
3) Node 
4) Cable
5) None of these 


Q. 1 (4)
Q. 2 (4)
Q. 3 (1)
Q. 4 (3)
Q. 5 (4)
Q. 6 (2)
Q. 7 (4)
Q. 8 (3)
Q. 9 (3)
Q. 10 (1)

Computer Quiz For Upcoming Exam


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