Q. : 1 What SQL command can be us ed to delete columns from a table ?
1) MODIFY TABLE Table Name DROP COLUMN Column Name
2) MODIFY TABLE Table Name DROP Column Name Column Name
3) ALTER TABLE Table Name DROP Column Name
4) 1 and 2
5) None of these
1) From the top down
2) From the bottom up
3) By nesting
4) From the right up
5) None of these
Q. : 3 How many copies of the database schema are typically used in the redesign process ?
1) One
2) Two
3) Three
4) Four
5) None of these
Q. : 4 Which organizational layer is responsible for developing the goals and strategies as outlined by the top most level of management?
1) Tactical management
2) Strategic management
3) Operational management
4) Non management employees
5) None of these
Q. : 5 Which of the following is collective information about customers , competitors , business partners ,competitive environments , and internal operations ?
1) Aggregate Data
2) External Knowledge
3) Business Intelligence (BI)
4) Information Granularity
5) None of these
Q. : 6 What term is used to describe information coming into a computer that is in bad form, or is incorrect, and will improperly affect the decision-making process ?
2) Tainted data
3) Dirty information
4) Scrubbed data
5) None of these
Q. : 7 Which type of worker knows how and when to apply technology?
1) Computer scientist
2) Technology literate knowledge worker
3) Technology analyst
4) Computer savvy
5) None of these
Q. : 8 Companies use which of the following vendors to provide access to software and services rather than purchasing the applications and maintaining the applications themselves ?
1) Open source vendors
2) Alliances
3) Application service providers
4) Al l of the above
5) None of these
Q. : 9 . Collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual is known as the crime of—
1) spooling
2) dentity theft
3) spoofing
4) hacking
5) None of these
Q. : 10 The first step in the transaction processing cycle is ___________
1) database operations
2) audit
3) data entry
4) user inquiry
5) None of these
Answer :-
Q. 1 (3)
Q. 2 (2)
Q. 3 (3)
Q. 4 (2)
Q. 5 (3)
Q. 6 (1)
Q. 7 (2)
Q. 8 (3)
Q. 9 (2)
Q. 10 (3)
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