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How To Improve Your Score In English

Dear Reader, English language is one of the important section of IBPS, SBI, SSC or any other recruitment exam.  As we know many student poor in English. All subject are good exception English that's by candidates unable to crack IBPS and other bank exams because they are unable to qualify sectional cut-offs and most of the candidates fails because they are unable to clear cut-off in this section. We are providing some important tips for improving English and shortcuts to score high in English section. Also provide some suggestion through presently experience. Read this article care fully, right down some view and  also share this article.

Exam Preparations
Do not wait for exam start preparation before 6 month and my personal experience 8 month for English.

Read newspaper daily
Do you from where reading comprehension paragraphs come from in IBPS, SBI, RRB or any other recruitment exam ?

Most of the times these paragraphs comes from National newspapers and "The Hindu" is the most loved newspapers by question paper setters. I am not asking you to spend whole day in reading newspaper section wise like as start from interesting topic(Sport News) read it 5 days then add another  topic (Murder News). After 2 - 3 month you will more vocabulary in your mind last start reading it's editorial section will make you comfortable to their writing style. Mind it their writing style is really difficult to understand for a newbie. But 
If you want to score good in English section, then read "The Hindu" everyday. You will feel the difference while attempting questions in exam. There is no need to practice endless reading comprehension questions because practice papers are just a tool to measure performance but if you really want to improve your score then read newspaper every day.
You can buy the newspaper or read it online on their website or download an app on your smart phone.

Improve your vocabulary
Without strong vocabulary it is almost impossible to score well in recruitment and bank exams. Further without strong vocabulary it is impossible to improve your reading speed and hence reading newspapers properly.

The best way to improve your vocabulary is reading newspaper section wise like as start from interesting topic(Sport News) read it 5 days and collect vocabulary in your dairy then add another  topic (Murder News) and so on. After 2 - 3 month you will collect more vocabulary in your mind and also in your dairy. Another way to improve vocabulary is learning a list of frequently used words. Download list of words from Google.

Read preparation books
Although there is no complete book for English language section but I strongly recommend you to follow at least one book for this section to become comfortable with exam type questions. Answering reading comprehension questions is an art, it is not like quantitative aptitude section where you can play with options. In English section of IBPS, options are really close and it is very difficult to answer rightly without understanding facts of paragraphs. Many time facts are wrong in answers, you need to answer on the basis of paragraph and not based on facts and general knowledge. Never guess answers in English section.
Learn a list of words
Best way to improve your vocabulary quickly is by learning a list of words, download list of words in PDF format. Go through these words for at least 3 times and try to use them in normal language.

Use a Dictionary Daily
Use a dictionary to improve your English every day. I recommend you to stop using those low quality mobile dictionaries. Buy an Oxford Advanced English Dictionary which is explains every word deeply you search in it. Further you can buy The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms to take your writing and reading skills to next level. Try to invest more in books and less on coaching institutes. This is the most important tip.

Practice sample papers
Solve at least 20 previous papers of different levels. We have already shared English question paper with answer key. Download previous bank exam papers in PDF format.


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