Directions (Q. 1-5): These questions are based on the following arrangement of numbers, letters and symbols. Study them carefully and answer the questions given below:
1 8 Q W 3 & Z 5 A 2 J @ U K 9 P I % R 4 $ M E 7 T # A 6 F
1. Which of the following should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series based on the elements in the above arrangement?
3WZ 2A@ 9KI ?
1) %I4 2) 4RM 3) 4%$
4) $4E 5) None of these
2. How man y such letters are th ere in th e above arrangement each of which is not immediately preceded by a symbol?
1) Five 2) Six 3) Seven
4) Eight 5) More than eight
3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and hence form a group. Find out the one that does not belong to that group.
1) W1 2) A?? 3) @9
4) IK 5) 4I
4. Which of the following is fifth to the right of the fifteenth from the right end?
1) 4 2) 9 3) $
4) P 5) None of these
5. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol and also immediately preceded by a letter?
1) One 2) Two 3) Three
4) Four 5) None of these
Directions (Q . 6-10): In these questions, a relationship between different elements is shown in the statement(s). The statements are followed by two conclusions. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I is true.
2) if only conclusion II is true.
3) if either conclusion I or II is true.
4) if neither conclusion I nor II is true.
5) if both conclusions I and II are true.
6. Statements: A > B >= C < D, C = E > G
Conclusions: I. D > E II. B > G
7. Statements: P <= Q > M >= N, Q = S
Conclusions: I. S > P II. N < S
8. Statement: S > M = Z > T < Q > V
Conclusions: I. V = S II. Q > M
9. Statement: T < U = V <= S > P >= Q
Conclusions: I. S > T II. V >= Q
10. Statements: M >= N > R > W, E = J > L >= W
Conclusions: I. E > W II. M > L
21. (2);
22. (5); 8Q, 2J, 9P, 7T, 6F, QW, UK, ME,PI Hence, there a re nine letters in the given arrangement.
23. (3);
24. (1) ; Fifth to the right of fifteenth from the right end = (1 5 – 5 = ) 1 0 there from the right, ie 4.
25. (3); W3&, Z5A, R4$
26. (5); Given statements : A > B >= C < D ... (i)
C = E > G ... (ii)
Combining both the statements, we get
A > B >= C = E > G
And, A > B >= C = E < D
Thus, B > G is true. Hence II is true. Again, D > E is true. Hence I is also true.
27. (2); Given statements : P <= Q > M >= N ... (i)
Q = S ... (ii)
Combining both the statements, we get
P <= Q = S > M >= N
Thus, P <= S or S >= P is true. Hence conclusion I (S > P) is not definitely true.
Again, S > N or N < S is true. Hence II is true.
28. (4); S > M = Z > T < Q > V
Thus, we ca n’t compare V and S. Hence conclusion I is not true. And also we ca n’t compare Q and M. Hence II is not true.
29. (1); T < U = V <= S > P >= Q
Thus, T < S or S > T is true. Hence I is true. Bu t we ca n’t compare V and Q . Hence conclusion II is not true.
30. (1); Given statements : M >= N > R > W ... (i)
E = J > L >= W ... (ii)
Combining both the statements, we get
M >= N > R > W <= L < J = E
Thus, W < E or E > W is true. Hence conclusion I is true. We can’t compare M and L. Hence II is not true.
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