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Computer Quiz For SBI Associate Clerk Exam

Q. : 1  What term is used to describe two or more computers that are linked to each other?
1) Star connection
2) Computer system
3) Computer network
4) Net
5) None of these

Q. : 2  What interface card do you need to connect to a network?
1) ISP card
2) Wireless card
3) Router
4) NIC
5) None of these

Q. : 3  Which of the following is not described as a typical network classification?
1) Local area network
2) Wide area network
3) Metropolitan area network
4) County area network
5) None of these

Q. : 4  What type of network device allows you to share your connection to the Internet with other computers in your home?
1) Ethernet card
2) NIC
3) Router
4) Cat 5
5) None of these

Q. : 5  What is another name for a shared network?
1) WAP
2) Switch
3) Broadband router
4) Hub
5) None of these

Q. : 6  How do you save changes to a PowerPoint presentation?
1) Pull down the File menu and click the Save
2) Click the Save button on the Standard toolbar com m and
3) click on titel bar
4) Either (a) and (b)
5) None of these

Q. : 7  Which of the following can be printed in support of a PowerPoint presentation?
1) Audience handouts
2) Notes
3) An outline
4) All the above
5) None of these

Q. : 8  Which toolbars are typically dis played in the Normal view?
1) The Standard toolbar
2) The Formatting toolbar
3) The Drawing toolbar
4) All of the above
5) None of these

Q. : 9  Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End are keyboard shortcuts that move to the beginning or end of the presentation in the:
1) Outline view
2) Slide Sorter view
3) insert view
4) Neither (a) nor (b)
5) None of these

Q. : 10  Which menu contains the commands to s ave the current presentation, or to open a previously saved presentation?
1) The Tools menu
2) The File menu
3) The View menu
4) The Edit menu
5) None of these

Answer :-
  1. (3) Computer network 
  2. (4) NIC
  3. (4) County area network
  4. (3) Router 
  5. (4) Hub
  6. (4) Either (a) and (b)
  7. (4) All the above
  8. (4) All of the above
  9. (5) None of these 
  10. (2) The File menu
computer quiz for sbi associate clerk exam


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