Directions (Q. 1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of the input and its rearrangement.
Input: site 72 easy owl 28 11 pull 81 40 cut
Step I: easy site 72 owl 28 pull 81 40 cut 11
Step II: easy owl site 72 pull 81 40 cut 11 28
Step III: easy owl cut site 72 pull 81 11 28 40
Step IV: easy owl cut pull site 81 11 28 40 72
Step V: easy owl cut pull site 11 28 40 72 81
Step V is the last step of the above input. As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions, the appropriate step for the given input below and answer the questions based on it.
Input: curtail 53 vitiate 49 33 artifice 45 aptitude 23 ice 69 entourage bevy
1. How many steps will be required to complete the arrangement of the above input?
1) Four
2) Five
3) Six
4) Seven
5) None of these
2. What will be the position of ‘69’ in Step IV?
1) 9th from the left
2) Fifth from the right
3) Extreme left
4) Extreme right
5) None of these
3. Which step would be the following output?
‘aptitude artifice entourage curtail 53 vitiate 49 ice 69 bevy 23 33 45’
1) IV
2) V
3) VI
4) III
5) VII
4. Which word/number would be at the 9th position from the right end in Step V?
1) curtail
2) vitiate
3) bevy
4) 53
5) 49
5. Which of the following steps would be the last step but one?
1) V
2) VI
3) VII
4) IV
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
PK, SP, RJ, MP, DK, SK and AK are seven shopkeepers of different shops, viz Grocery, Cosmetics, Clothes, Footwear, Gift items, Watches and Mobile phones. They go to supermarkets, viz. Big Bazaar, Max, Reliance Trends and Easy Day only on Sunday but not necessarily in the same order. At least one shopkeeper goes to on e supermarket, but no super market is visited by more than two shopkeepers.
l SK, who is a shopkeeper of Clothes, goes alone to Reliance Trends.
l The one who is a shopkeeper of Footwear does not go to Big Bazaar. Also, he never goes either with DK or with AK.
l MP goes to EasyDay with the person who is the shopkeeper of Mobile phones.
l RJ goes to Max. AK is not a shopkeeper of Mobile phones.
l The one who is the shopkeeper of Footwear goes to the market with the person who is the shopkeeper of Grocery.
l The one who is the shopkeeper of Gift items goes to EasyDay.
l PK is a shopkeeper of neither Cosmetics nor Mobile phones.
l The one who is the shopkeeper of Watches goes to Big Bazaar neither with DK nor with MP.
l The person who is the shopkeeper of Cosmetics goes to the supermarket with PK.
6. PK goes which of the following supermarkets?
1) EasyDay
2) Max
3) Big Bazaar
4) Reliance Trends
5) None of these
7. Which of the following statements is/are not true?
I. MP is a shopkeeper of Mobile phones and goes to
II. RJ is a shopkeeper of Footwear and goes to Big
1) Both I and II
2) Neither I nor II
3) Either I or II
4) Only I
5) Only II
8. Who among the following is shopkeeper of Gift items?
1) SP
2) MP
3) SK
4) PK
5) None of these
9. Which of the following statements is definitely incorrect?
1) RJ is a shopkeeper of Footwear.
2) DK is a shopkeeper of Mobile phones.
3) AK is shopkeeper of Grocery.
4) All are incorrect
5) None of these
10. Big Bazaar is visited by which of the following person(s)?
1) AK and DK
2) Only MP
3) PK and SP
4) Only SK
5) None of these
Answer :-
The machine rearranges one word and one number in each step. The words starting with a vowel a re arranged first in alphabetical order from the left. When this is done, the
words starting with a consonant are arranged in alphabetical order. T he numbers a re arranged in ascending order from the right end.
Input: curtail 53 vitiate 49 33 artifice 45 aptitude 23 ice 69 entourage bevy
Ste p I . aptitude curtail 53 vitiate 49 33 artifice 45 ice 69 entourage bevy 23
Step II. aptitude artifice curtail 53 vitiate 49 45 ice 69 entourage bevy 23 33
Step III. aptitude artifice entourage curtail 53 vitiate 49 ice 69 bevy 23 33 45
Step IV. aptitude artifice entourage ice curtail 53 vitiate 69 bevy 23 33 45 49
Step V. aptitude artifice entourage ice bevy curtail vitiate 69 23 33 45 49 53
Step VI. aptitude artifice entourage ice bevy curtail vitiate 23 33 45 49 53 69
1. 3
2 . 5 ; 8th from the left or 6th from the right
Q. 3 (4) | Q. 4 (3) | Q. 5 (1) |
Q. 6 (3) | Q. 7 (1) | Q. 8 (2) | Q. 9 (3) | |

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