Directions (Q. 1-4): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Six friends B, L, N, Q, E and R are in two rows, each row having three friends, facing each other and sitting in such a way that E is second to the right of N. B is at the end of the row. L is the neighbour of R. N is opposite R.
1. Which of the following pairs are not facing each other?
1) L, Q
2) B, N
3) E, B
4) R, N
5) None of these
2. Which of the following are sitting in a row?
1) LBE
2) NQR
3) EQN
4) LNE
5) None of these
3. If R and B exchange their places with each other who will be on the immediate left of B?
1) L
2) N
3) Q
4) R
5) None of these
4. Who among the following faces Q?
1) R
2) L
3) B
4) N
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 35): Select the related word from the given alternatives.
5. Mongoose : Snake
1) Milk : Goat
2) Fish : Crane
3) Whale : Crow
4) Water : Sky
5) None of these
6. A man runs 20m towards east and turns to right, runs 10m and turns to right, runs 9m and turns to left, runs 5m and again turns to left, runs 12m and finally turns to left, and runs 6m. Now which direction is the man facing?
1) East
2) West
3) Northeast
4) Southeast
5) North
7. Aman introduces Rohan as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife. How is Rohan related to Aman?
1) Brother
2) Cousin
3) Son
4) Uncle
5) Son-in-law
Directions (Q. 38-40): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Z, Y, X, W, V and T are standing in a row facing south. Z is third to the right of V. X is fourth from one end of the row. Y, who is between Z and W, is third to the right of T.
8. Which of the following pairs sit at the ends of the row?
1) X,T
2) W, Z
3) V, W
4) X,Y
5) None of these
9. What is the position of T?
1) Immediate right of X
2) Right end of the row
3) Fourth to the right of W
4) Second to the left of Z
5) None of these
10. What is the position of Y with respect to V?
1) Immediate right
2) Fourth to the right
3) Second to the left
4) Third to the left
5) None of these
7. 2; Rohan is Aman’s maternal uncle’s son.
Q. 8 (3) | Q. 9 (4) | Q. 10 (2) |
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