1. Y is to the west of X and north of W. R is to the southeast of Y and to the northwest of Q, who is to the east of W. R is in which direction of W?
1) South
2) West
3) Northeast
4) Can’t be determined
5) None of these
2. Among Q, P, L, M and N, each scores a different marks. P scores more than only L and N and less than M and Q. Who scores the highest marks?
1) Q
2) M
3) N
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 3-4): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
R 5 8 E % M F 4 J I U @ H 2 © 9 T 1 6 A W 3 P #
3. What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
8% E FJ4 UH@ ?
1) ©9T
2) ©T9
3) 9T©
4) ©2T
5) None of these
4. Which of the following is fifth to the left of the eighteenth from the left end of the above arrangement?
1) @
2) ©
3) H
4) 2
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 5-9): Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
A, Z, B, C, D, W, X and Y are eight friends sitting around a square table, two on each side. All of them are facing away from the centre and each is opposite another. There are three female members and they are not seated next to one another.
X sits between D and Z. Y is a female member who sits second to the left of X. Z is not a female member but sits opposite A, who is a female. C sits third to the left of W and is not a male member.
5. Who among the following sits on the immediate left of Z?
1) W
2) X
3) Y
4) B
5) None of these
6. Which of the following statements is true about W and X?
1) Both are opposite each other.
2) Both are males.
3) W is a female but X is a male.
4) Both are females.
5) None of these
7. Which of the following groups includes only females?
1) YAW
2) ACB
3) XYZ
5) None of these
8. Who among the following is sitting between B and W?
1) A
2) C and D
3) C
4) A and D
5) None of these
9. Who among the following sits third to the right of Z?
1) A
2) C
3) W
4) D
5) None of these
10. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word UBIQUITOUS each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabetical series?
1) None
2) One
3) Two
4) Three
5) None of these
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