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Reasoning Quiz For Upcoming Exam

Directions (Q. 1-5): In each question below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer
1) if only conclusion I follows.
2) if only conclusion II follows.
3) if either conclusion I or II follows.
4) if neither conclusion I nor II follows.
5) if both conclusions I and II follow.

Statements:          Some cakes are bread.
                              All breads are toffees. 
                              Some toffees are sugar.
1.  Conclusions:   I. Some toffees are cakes.
                              II. All  sugar   being  bread   is  a possibility.

2.  Conclusions:   I. All  cakes  being  toffees  is  a possibility.
                              II. All breads are cakes.
Statements:         No cabin is a room.
                              All rooms are houses. 
                              No house is a place.
3.  Conclusions:     I. No cabin is a house.
                                II. Some houses are cabins.

4.  Conclusions:     I. Some houses are definitely not cabins.
                                II. No house is a room.

5.  Statements:         All ribbons are mats.
                                  Some mats are ropes. 
                                  No rope is a thread.
Conclusions:           I. All ribbons are ropes.
                                  II. No thread is a rope.

Directions (Q. 6-8): Each of the questions below consists of a question and three statements numbered I, II and III given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the questions.

6.  Who among Sunita, Naina, Veena and Meena is the youngest?
I.  Veena is younger than Meena but older than Sunita and Naina.
II. Meena is older than Naina and Veena but not older than Sunita.
III. Sunita is older than Naina but not older than Veena.
1) Only I and II
2) Only II and III  
3) Only II and III
4) Only I and III   
5) None of these

7.  How is the woman in the photograph related to Suraj?
I.  Pointing to the photograph, Suraj said, “She is mother of my father ’s only granddaughter”.
II. Pointing to the photograph, Suraj said, “She is the only daughter-in-law of my mother.”
III. Suraj has no siblings but has a daughter.
1) Only I
2) Only II
3) Either I or II
4) Only II and III  
5) None of these

8.  Among five friends Aman, Neelam, Vidya, Rani and
Sapna, whose salary is the highest?
I.  Vidya’s basic salary is `100 more than Rani’s.
II. Rani’s basic salary is more than those of Aman and
Neelam but not more than that of Sapna.
III. Neelam’s salary is more than that of Aman.
1) Only II and III
2) All I, II and III
3) Only I and III
4) Only II
5) None of these

1. 5; Some cakes are bread (I) + All breads are toffees (A) = I + A = I = Some cakes are toffees =>       conversion => Some toffees are cakes. Hence, conclusion I follows.
Again, there is no negative statement. Hence the possibility exists in II.

2. 1 ; T here is no negative statement. So the possibility exists in I. Hence, conclusion I follows.
Again, Some cakes are breads =>  conversion =>  Some breads are cakes. Hence, conclusion
II does not follow.

3. 3; No cabin is a room (E) + All rooms are houses (A) = E + A = O* = Some houses are
not ca bins. But conclusion I and II make a complementary  pair  (I-E).  Hence,  either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. 

4.1; All houses (A) = E + A = O* = Some houses are not cabins. Hence, conclusion I follows. Again, All rooms are houses =>  conversion =>  Some   houses   are    rooms.   Hence,
conclusion II does not follow.

5. 2; All ribbons are mats (A) + Some mats are ropes (I) = A + I = No conclusion. Hence, conclusion I does not follow. Again, No rope is a thread => conversion => No thread is a rope. Hence, conclusion II follows.

6. 4; From I. Meena > Veena > Sunita, Naina
From III. Veena > Sunita > Naina
From I and III.
Meena > Veena > Sunita > Naina. Hence, Naina is the youngest.

7. 3; From I: The  woman  in  the  photograph  may  be Suraj’s wife or Suraj’s brother’s wife.
Fro m  I I : Again,  Sura j’s wife or  Sura j’s brother’s wife.
Hence, either I and III, or II and III are required to reach a certain conclusion, viz the woman is Suraj’s wife.

8. 5; From I. Vidya’s salary is `100 more than Rani’s.
From III. Neelam > Aman
Hence, all are not sufficient to answer the question.

reasoning quiz for upcoming exam


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